Nisa's Titles

  1. Ch [Canadian Kennel Club (CKC) Conformation Championship]
  2. PSCA Ch [Pyrenean Shepherd Club of America Conformation Championship]
  3. CD [CKC Companion Dog obedience title]
  4. CGN [CKC Canine Good Neighbour]


  5. AGN [CKC Agility Novice]
  6. AGNS [CKC Agility Novice Selected]
  7. AGIJV [CKC Agility Intermediate Jumper Veteran]
  8. ADC [Agility Association of Canada (AAC) Agility Dog of Canada]
  9. SGDC [AAC Starters Games Dog of Canada]
  10. NAC [North American Dog Agility Council (NADAC) Novice Agility Certificate]
  11. NGC [NADAC Novice Gamblers Certificate]
  12. NJC [NADAC Novice Jumpers Certificate]
  13. TN-N [NADAC Tunnellers Novice]
  14. FD [North American Flyball Association (NAFA) Flyball Dog]
  15. FDX [NAFA Flyball Dog Excellent]
  16. FDCh [NAFA Flyball Dog Champion]
  17. FDCh-S [NAFA Flyball Dog Champion Silver]
  18. FDCh-G [NAFA Flyball Dog Champion Gold]
  19. FM [NAFA Flyball Master]
  20. HIC [PSCA Herding Instinct Certificate]
  21. VP1 [PSCA Versatility Award, Level 1]